
Friday, December 14, 2012

Asher Roth and White Panda

On Friday, December 7, Asher Roth and White Panda made a stop by the HUB.  Although it was not a huge performance as the concerts in the Bryce Jordan Center are, it was a show that my friends and I did not want to miss.  Asher Roth, a millionaire rapper, went to my high school and also performed at my senior prom.  Being the best prom in America it was even more exciting to have a successful Pennsbury alum perform.  My friends and I as well as many other people are fans of his and like to listen to his music.  With his newest album coming out on January 22, 2013 we are all excited to here what new songs he has in store.
The concert in Alumni Hall started at ten o'clock and the excitement could not be contained in my room with the guys from my floor as well as friends from back home.  Of course we decided to go three hours before it started and sure enough it back fired.  When we walked in the HUB there was no one there yet.  We sat around in the lounge until it was time to start filing in.  We were able to get front row seats.  The concert was a great experience.  Asher Roth performed for the first hour and then White Panda came on for the second hour.    I only have ever been to one other concert, but not one with just college students.  The colorful lights and blasting speakers made the moment that much better.
After walking away from the concert with broken ear drums I learned three things.  One, I would not want to be on the concert committee trying to control a crowd full of out of control college students.  Two, as Asher Roth said, music is a type of art that truly inspires people and it is that one type of art where you can express your interests and no one can take that away from you.  Three, just like the title of one of his songs "i love college".

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Never Forget"

When we were required to go to an arts/cultural event I had no idea what I wanted to do.  I felt that this assignment was going to be a challenged for me because the idea of an arts event was intimidating.  I was never an arts type of guy so I was unsure of what I would do until I got wind of the 9/11 ceremony.  I thought it would be interesting to go check it out since it was a day that we all remember, but I was intimidated to go to something alone.  Earlier the day of the performance Sam Hellman sent me a text message asking if I wanted to go.  I was glad that he invited me to go with him and that I would be able to get the event out of the way early.
This arts/cultural event took place at three o'clock on September 11 of course.  It was located in the theater building in room 114.  Sam and I met up by the corner of Shortlidge.  It was difficult to find the building at first.  We first thought it was the actually theater on the corner of Shortlidge, but then ended finding our way there.  I did not realize that the performance was being held inside a classroom.  I was not expecting it to go the way it went.  It was a a play-like performance I have never witnessed before, but I did enjoy it.
The show was called 9/11 - A Day in the Life of a People.  It was written, compiled and directed by Charles Dumas.  Sam and I took our seats in the back of the room.  Before us were 12 students dressed in different attire with a projector screen in the middle of them. At first I thought I was going to watch a movie clip, but I was wrong.  Each student stood up one at a time.  They introduced themselves as well as what character they were going to be for the performance.  The projector screen was used for showing different picture clips about 9/11.  I was really moved by the performance and was surprised by how well all of the actors were.  They did excellent job putting themselves into lives of the people they portrayed.  It was almost as if I could feel the pain of the people who had suffered on this tragic day.  They would stand up one by one and talk about what they were doing and what they had witnessed on 9/11.  What was more astounding to me was that almost all of the students in the performance were only minoring in theater.  When it was all over I was glad that I was able to go and do something in remembrance of those who suffered on that day because we will "never forget".

Self Evaluation

1.  My first semester at Penn State was somewhat of a rocky one, but definitely enjoyable.  At first it was hard for me to adjust after living at home for all of my life.  Saying good bye to my parents was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.  I was worried about the unknown as I normally do.  I was not sure how living on my own would go or whether it was going to be easy to handle.  Now looking back on my first semester experience I feel that I have become more comfortable living in this new environment and have met some new people that have made this experience easier for me as well as more memorable.  I cannot believe that my first semester is coming to a close.  It has gone by so fast.  I have been able to apart of new experiences that have made me step out of my comfort zone.  I feel that I have in a way grown more as a person by being forced to be in charge of myself rather than my parents.  They have helped every step of the way and have made me who I am today and I am thankful for that.
English 15S is definitely one class that I will remember.  It reminded me more of a high school style classroom.  That made it easier for me because I was back in an environment that I was used to and comfortable with.  This class has allowed me to meet some amazing new people and I am thankful for that.  It just shows that no one here is out to get you and that you should not be afraid to talk to anyone.  Also, it has forced me to go out and check out the campus itself and what it has to offer.  Everyone just needs a little push to go out and see new things and I am glad that this class made me do that.  English 15S also has allowed me to enhance my writing in a more positive manner by writing pieces that I never have before.  It made me dig deeper as a writer and think more about the meaning of it all.  To round it off having Ms. Squillante as a professor has allowed me to feel more comfortable approaching other professors because they are only here to help.  They are not out to get you.  On that note English15S has made this shift in my life easier and I am ready to take the next step of my journey to next semester.

2.  Blog Comments
1.     Sam Hellman
2.     Kelly Smith
3.     Austin Luboff
4.     Eddie Milisits
5.     Elysa Kolvek
6.     Bridget O’Brien
7.     Tim Lee
8.     Erik Johnson
9.     Marisa Cutillo
10. Abby Jackson

3.  Hi Ms. S - I finished the SRTEs!

Friday, November 16, 2012

In the Red and Brown Water

"In the Red and Brown Water" was a very interesting African play.  When I had first read the title before actually going to see the play i was unsure of what to expect.  I was kind of more intrigued about it when I was looking at the cover and noticed relating to track.  Me being a track runner made it more exciting to see it although it strayed away from running later throughout the play.  This play was one that kept your focus throughout, but created a continuous haze of what the meaning of the play was actually about.
The main character of the play was Oya.  That I was able to determine right from the beginning with the opening scene.  The play started off between Oya and her mother, Mama Moja.  Oya was a track runner who had an immense amount of talent for the sport.  She had a race that day, but something seemed to be troubling Mama Moja early on.  She seemed to be very ill.  That day Oya ran her race with flying colors because as usual she came in first place with ease.  As the race came to a close a man had approached her.  A white male from who seemed from the United States.  He came for Oya to offer her with the opportunity to run for "State".  She politely declined because she felt the need to talk it over with her mother and stay around to take care of her.  Although to her dismay later on that day Mama Moja had passed away.  Many friends and family mourned over her death.  Also, many of the men had to this death to their advantage to try and comfort Oya on the passing.  Elegba, Ogun, and Shango were three that came to Oya through her suffering.  Shango was the first one to make his move on the depressed Oya.  He was very confident and overbearing towards her, but every time he caressed her ear she just melted in his arms.  He had seduced her, but later on left and joined the army leaving Oya behind.  While gone Oya had fallen for Ogun who was able to stop getting chocked up every time he spoke to her and was able to express his love for her and made it known what she meant to him.  She had fallen in love with Ogun, but seemed to remain unhappy with her life.  Periodically throughout the rest of the play there were two or three instances where Shango had come home.  When he did Oya came crawling back to him and betrayed Ogun's trust.  This caused her relationship with Ogun to slowly dwindle away to where she let him go.  Also, on top of that the man from State came back bringing more bad news tell Oya that she was number two instead of number one and his offer to come run for State was now gone.  The time had passed and when Shango came home for the last time she heard the news that he had impregnated Shun.  He arrived at Oya's house that day and she said she had a present for him.  He waited outside for her to come out.  She slowly walked out with blood dripping down her right forearm.  She pulled her hand away from her ear and place it in Shango's hand.  She had cut off her ear and gave it to him.  He exited the stage and with that Oya fell to the ground and died.
What had struck me the most about this play was the fact that Oya had two opportunities to benefit her life, but ended up crushing both of them.  She had worked all her to being the best track runner she could be.  She was on top with no one in sight behind her.  Except she turned down probably her biggest in life and was unable to obtain it the next time around.  Also, she had a chance to make a family with Ogun, but betrayed his trust with Shango and that chance faded away as well.
This theater performance was not the first I have been too.  I have actually been in two small productions myself for our charity play for my youth club.  I also, have seen a couple school play productions as well as Noah's Arc during the holidays.  Overall I enjoyed it for the most part although I was somewhat confused throughout it and it was also the first one I have seen with an African theme.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Frat House Gone Wild

My name is Stephen Edwards and I am damn glad to meet you.  This was quote used by Eric Stratton or formally known as Tim Matheson when he was introducing himself to all of the people including the new pledges at the Delta frat house at the beginning of the movie.  It was a line that stayed with me throughout the entire movie because it is all about the first impression when you meet someone for the first time and it was a humorous, sarcastic line that is not as formal as a natural greeting.  This greeting held true to the way that the frat members of Delta presented themselves throughout the entire movie, which helped maintain the comical humor of the movie "Animal House".

I was intrigued to watch this movie because it was one that my own mother recommended for me to watch when I had told her about the film festival that my class was suppose to attend on parents weekend.  I was not very familiar with many of the films that were being shown so I felt this would be the perfect choice for me and in fact it was.

This movie had many things to offer about what some of the aspects of college life is about, although this movie went to the extreme.  This film somewhat strayed away from the academic aspects with the Delta students all having atrocious grade point averages, but helped create an image that may or may not enthuse incoming students to get more excited about the freedom they will be receiving and of course boundaries that go along with them.

The main aspects of why this film was such a good selection for the film festival was mainly because it allowed us to picture ourselves within the movie.  We as the viewers who that weekend was mainly college students could relate to the actual college students within the movie.  I myself would try to put myself into those certain scenarios that would occur and decide if I would be as daring as those students were and I for one would definitely not have that type of courage.  Also, this movie touched on many ideas of what frat life is about.  Whether it was the process of pledging or the activities that were done by the frat brothers themselves.  It also had the homecoming parade like so many other university's have including Penn State.

The movie is not a good selection for a younger age group especially for children or young teenagers.  For one they may or may not understand what they are watching, but being rated R gives you the instant no no.  This movie is obviously targeted for an older age group because of the sexual content, foul use of language, and the use of drugs of alcohol.

I would consider this to be one of the best movies about college that I have ever seen.  I would recommend it for any college student or any college alumni that is looking for some humor to watch "Animal House" because it allows us to either look upon on our college experience or send you a blast from the past about what your college experience was like.  All in all I was very pleased with "Animal House" and I definitely not mind watching it again in the near future.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Its All About The Experience

  The trip to the Arboretum was in fact my first time there.  I am sure that many of us experienced the atmosphere of the Arboretum for the first time.  I would not consider myself a nature lover therefore on Monday I did not even remember that we were going there instead of Willard for class.  I guess that must say something about my passion for plant life.  Besides the unnecessary walk from Willard to the Arboretum, I must say I enjoyed my trip.  I must say no matter what if you are not the type of person that enjoys plants or nature in general it creates a soothing and satisfying aroma that you just can not help but enjoy.  It takes you to a whole other dimension.  I feel that many people would walk around and focus on the diversity of plants and take pictures, but that is not how I am in those types of situations.  I am one of those people that just like to walk around, enjoy the atmosphere and take it all in.  I really enjoyed my time walking around seeing the awesome job that was done to create the Arboretum itself with the infrastructure and what was planted within it.  Since I am not the type of person that would consider themselves having a green thumb i focused more on the physical things.  The building or structure where we first gathered was probably the thing that I enjoyed looking at the most.  I was fascinated by the way it looked and was definitely appropriate for what was surrounding it.  Although the weather was not especially great that day I could definitely say I would want to sit there and relax for a while on a beautiful day.   Watching the wind flow through the tunnel and the white shades created a sensation of being at peace.  I also thought the pond was interesting with all of the large lily pads floating around.  I really hoped that a frog would have popped out of the water and hopped around but I was sadly disappointed.  Besides all of the man made creations the plant life was the main attraction.  I enjoyed walking around and seeing the diversity of plants that were so carefully placed around the Arboretum.  Even the grass in the center looked to delicate to place your foot on.  It was interesting to read some of the labels and see the word tropical on.  I am not a plant expert so I would assume that many of them grow in the tropical regions down south.  I am curious as to how the students and faculty keep up with them in this type of climate.  Being located in State College, Pennsylvania where the weather is colder and there is obviously more snowfall, I wonder how they are maintained and still grow.  All in all I must say that I definitely enjoyed my experience at the Arboretum.  I enjoyed walking around and looking at the different styles of plants and the colors of the flowers.  Even the overhang with the gourds hanging down was fascinating.  I don't think I will go back anytime soon if the weather stays like this, but it did feel like I was free in a giant greenhouse.  It was an experience that was memorable and I probably will have to go back if they expand upon it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

David with the Head of Goliath

Artist: Girolamo Forabosco
Title: David with the Head of Goliath
Year: 1670
Materials: Oil colors on canvas

The painting that Girolamo Forabosco created is called, David with the Head of Goliath, which does in fact include a rhetorical situation.  For those of you who do not know the story behind David and Goliath, it is a bible story within the Old Testament.  This story is associated with the Christian religion and the war that was being created between Palestine and Isreal.  The issue that could be created with this story is that how could a small Israeli boy named David battle against Goliath.  Many people fear the size of their competitor or challenger, but that is not the case in this story.  Before knowing the result of the battle one would assume that Goliath certainly would have the upper hand, but with the power of God on his side, David knew he would be able to stand up to Goliath.  David then reached for his slingshot and with the power of God on his side pierced Goliath’s head with a stone and he dropped dead.  I do in fact feel that this paint does in create a conversation with that moment because of the event itself that was painted.  I feel that the painting strikes up the conversation of how a small boy such as David could take down such a large man.
This painting does in fact appeal to my emotions or pathos.  As a child growing up I was raised by the Christian religion so I did already have some knowledge about the bible verse, David and Goliath.  I understand the meaning behind it about how God gave David the strength and courage to stand up to Goliath and win the battle, but when I was looking at the painting in the museum and thinking about it when I left it made me think a little.  When I was younger my aunt gave me a plaque that said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”.  This saying came from Phil. 4:13.  It is a saying that my mom always would tell me to remember when I am in a difficult situation.  Now I know this from a different section of the bible, but I felt that it pertains to me as well as the story of David and Goliath.  David was giving the strength within himself to defeat Goliath.
Forabosco was born in Padua, Italy in the year 1604.  He lived until January 23, 1679.   He was known for painting portraitures throughout his lifetime.  His style of painting was through oil colors.  Although he has painted many religious paintings they were not his main point of interest.  He liked to really portray different personalities for his paintings.  His point of creating this painting was to show the beauty or irony with David holding up the head of Goliath.  He focused more on the personality of a picture with the way he painted the facial and body features.  That is why in this one he tried to show innocence and beauty with David while still holding the decapitated head of Goliath.
I feel that the artist as well as the painting is trying to show that there may be more meaning than just a victory.  If I were to guess how and artist would create or depict that moment I would have assumed it would have given off a more violent vibe.  This one does not do so.  Victory or triumph does not have to bring out the worst in others.  It almost represents sportsmanship in a way.
            I would have to say that my overall experience in the museum was successful.  Although I do not see myself as someone who can easily depict a piece of art, I can say that talking to everyone in the class and taking a closer and deeper look, I did have somewhat of a better understanding.  I would not consider myself as someone who would go to a museum often because art does not hold my attention very well.  Now maybe that I am older and have not been to a museum in a long time I might have a better appreciation for it.  I am not sure if I would go back by myself anytime soon, but  I will say that some of the sculptures or paintings did catch my attention and that doing this assignment made me think a little bit more about how art affects everyone differently.