
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Self Evaluation

1.  My first semester at Penn State was somewhat of a rocky one, but definitely enjoyable.  At first it was hard for me to adjust after living at home for all of my life.  Saying good bye to my parents was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.  I was worried about the unknown as I normally do.  I was not sure how living on my own would go or whether it was going to be easy to handle.  Now looking back on my first semester experience I feel that I have become more comfortable living in this new environment and have met some new people that have made this experience easier for me as well as more memorable.  I cannot believe that my first semester is coming to a close.  It has gone by so fast.  I have been able to apart of new experiences that have made me step out of my comfort zone.  I feel that I have in a way grown more as a person by being forced to be in charge of myself rather than my parents.  They have helped every step of the way and have made me who I am today and I am thankful for that.
English 15S is definitely one class that I will remember.  It reminded me more of a high school style classroom.  That made it easier for me because I was back in an environment that I was used to and comfortable with.  This class has allowed me to meet some amazing new people and I am thankful for that.  It just shows that no one here is out to get you and that you should not be afraid to talk to anyone.  Also, it has forced me to go out and check out the campus itself and what it has to offer.  Everyone just needs a little push to go out and see new things and I am glad that this class made me do that.  English 15S also has allowed me to enhance my writing in a more positive manner by writing pieces that I never have before.  It made me dig deeper as a writer and think more about the meaning of it all.  To round it off having Ms. Squillante as a professor has allowed me to feel more comfortable approaching other professors because they are only here to help.  They are not out to get you.  On that note English15S has made this shift in my life easier and I am ready to take the next step of my journey to next semester.

2.  Blog Comments
1.     Sam Hellman
2.     Kelly Smith
3.     Austin Luboff
4.     Eddie Milisits
5.     Elysa Kolvek
6.     Bridget O’Brien
7.     Tim Lee
8.     Erik Johnson
9.     Marisa Cutillo
10. Abby Jackson

3.  Hi Ms. S - I finished the SRTEs!

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