
About Me

About Me, The Real StevieE

My name is Stephen Edwards.  I know a lot of times people spell my name with a v instead of a ph, but honestly I like having the ph better despite the confusion it sometimes brings.  I am currently a freshman at Penn State University and in the college of Division of Undergraduate Studies.  I also, have my older sister who is a senior up at Penn State too.  I grew up fairly close to Philadelphia in the Bucks County area and attended Pennsbury High School. I live with a family of five including my dog, Muffin.  I am the middle child between two sisters and a female dog.  You can pretty much say I'm surrounded and will never be able to win an argument.  I am currently employed at the Sesame Place theme park.  For those of you who do not know what Sesame Place is, it is based to the television program Sesame Street with Elmo and all that fun stuff.  I am what they call a Team Lead for the mechanical rides and have been working there for four seasons now.
The main thing you should know about me is that I am obsessed with playing and watching sports.  I started playing sports when I was four and was hooked ever since.  I have played soccer, baseball, and basketball and also have ran track and cross country in high school.  I guess i would have to say my favorite to play or watch on TV is basketball because of March Madness.  I ran cross country in high school at a mediocre level because I was not the best but had a lot of fun with the kids on the team.  For track i did the triple jump and the high jump.  I'm hoping to try to get involved with intramural sports and go watch games as well here at Penn State .  Plus, going to these football games creates an atmosphere like no other!


1 comment:

  1. Steven (just kidding), I chuckled a little when I read about you never winning an argument. I did track too, but I don't have the coordination to do field events. Have you done any intramurals yet?
