
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"Never Forget"

When we were required to go to an arts/cultural event I had no idea what I wanted to do.  I felt that this assignment was going to be a challenged for me because the idea of an arts event was intimidating.  I was never an arts type of guy so I was unsure of what I would do until I got wind of the 9/11 ceremony.  I thought it would be interesting to go check it out since it was a day that we all remember, but I was intimidated to go to something alone.  Earlier the day of the performance Sam Hellman sent me a text message asking if I wanted to go.  I was glad that he invited me to go with him and that I would be able to get the event out of the way early.
This arts/cultural event took place at three o'clock on September 11 of course.  It was located in the theater building in room 114.  Sam and I met up by the corner of Shortlidge.  It was difficult to find the building at first.  We first thought it was the actually theater on the corner of Shortlidge, but then ended finding our way there.  I did not realize that the performance was being held inside a classroom.  I was not expecting it to go the way it went.  It was a a play-like performance I have never witnessed before, but I did enjoy it.
The show was called 9/11 - A Day in the Life of a People.  It was written, compiled and directed by Charles Dumas.  Sam and I took our seats in the back of the room.  Before us were 12 students dressed in different attire with a projector screen in the middle of them. At first I thought I was going to watch a movie clip, but I was wrong.  Each student stood up one at a time.  They introduced themselves as well as what character they were going to be for the performance.  The projector screen was used for showing different picture clips about 9/11.  I was really moved by the performance and was surprised by how well all of the actors were.  They did excellent job putting themselves into lives of the people they portrayed.  It was almost as if I could feel the pain of the people who had suffered on this tragic day.  They would stand up one by one and talk about what they were doing and what they had witnessed on 9/11.  What was more astounding to me was that almost all of the students in the performance were only minoring in theater.  When it was all over I was glad that I was able to go and do something in remembrance of those who suffered on that day because we will "never forget".

1 comment:

  1. I was right there with you in having no idea what to do for an arts/cultural event. I think it's pretty cool what you decided to go to. Obviously 9/11 is one of the saddest days ever, but I'm glad you could find some positives in this sad day by going to this event.
