
Friday, September 28, 2012

Its All About The Experience

  The trip to the Arboretum was in fact my first time there.  I am sure that many of us experienced the atmosphere of the Arboretum for the first time.  I would not consider myself a nature lover therefore on Monday I did not even remember that we were going there instead of Willard for class.  I guess that must say something about my passion for plant life.  Besides the unnecessary walk from Willard to the Arboretum, I must say I enjoyed my trip.  I must say no matter what if you are not the type of person that enjoys plants or nature in general it creates a soothing and satisfying aroma that you just can not help but enjoy.  It takes you to a whole other dimension.  I feel that many people would walk around and focus on the diversity of plants and take pictures, but that is not how I am in those types of situations.  I am one of those people that just like to walk around, enjoy the atmosphere and take it all in.  I really enjoyed my time walking around seeing the awesome job that was done to create the Arboretum itself with the infrastructure and what was planted within it.  Since I am not the type of person that would consider themselves having a green thumb i focused more on the physical things.  The building or structure where we first gathered was probably the thing that I enjoyed looking at the most.  I was fascinated by the way it looked and was definitely appropriate for what was surrounding it.  Although the weather was not especially great that day I could definitely say I would want to sit there and relax for a while on a beautiful day.   Watching the wind flow through the tunnel and the white shades created a sensation of being at peace.  I also thought the pond was interesting with all of the large lily pads floating around.  I really hoped that a frog would have popped out of the water and hopped around but I was sadly disappointed.  Besides all of the man made creations the plant life was the main attraction.  I enjoyed walking around and seeing the diversity of plants that were so carefully placed around the Arboretum.  Even the grass in the center looked to delicate to place your foot on.  It was interesting to read some of the labels and see the word tropical on.  I am not a plant expert so I would assume that many of them grow in the tropical regions down south.  I am curious as to how the students and faculty keep up with them in this type of climate.  Being located in State College, Pennsylvania where the weather is colder and there is obviously more snowfall, I wonder how they are maintained and still grow.  All in all I must say that I definitely enjoyed my experience at the Arboretum.  I enjoyed walking around and looking at the different styles of plants and the colors of the flowers.  Even the overhang with the gourds hanging down was fascinating.  I don't think I will go back anytime soon if the weather stays like this, but it did feel like I was free in a giant greenhouse.  It was an experience that was memorable and I probably will have to go back if they expand upon it.


  1. Stephen--

    I love that shot of the green space in front of the pavilion!


  2. First of all, that picture you took (at least I think you took it) of the field in front of the pavilion is absolutely beautiful! I also thought the gourds were really interesting. I thought it was funny that you mentioned the walk from Willard before mentioning the good things about the Arboretum. Entertaining. (:
