
Friday, September 7, 2012

My Blog Analysis

Template:  As i was looking through the possible templates to choose from I honestly was not sure which one to pick.  I am a very indecisive person so being able to make choices or decisions do not always come easy to me.  At first I wanted to do some in relation to Penn State, but then I felt like that would be a common area of interest and the blog is suppose to show how unique you are as a person.  I then decided to just stick with the basketball background because it related to my passion for sports and also included the bracket which made me think about the March Madness Tournament.  I then just could not resist choosing it because of how it represented me as a person and how it seemed easy to navigate after looking through the classes course blog multiple times.

Title:  At first I wanted to do WE ARE....English 15S, but good thing I didn't because other classmates had the same idea and who wouldn't.  Looking at my title many of you would probably get it.  Since my background related to sports I wanted my title to follow up on the same theme.  My title, English 15S.....Just Blog It., is supposed to represent the catch phrase, Nike.....Just Do It.  This title continues my theme for sports along with my favorite brand of sneaker.

Font:  Deciding on a font style was not to difficult to choose because i wanted it to be plain and easy to read on the blog page itself.  Also, I have always used the font style, Times New Roman, throughout school, but I felt that Ariel was more bold and easier to read.

Color:  The color of my blog was easy to pick because the picture template automatically does that for you.  I like how the back ground is black making the orange basketball and yellow tournament bracket stand out.  Also, I decided to keep my title white because I felt it would standout best with the black background and i felt that usually the Just Do It. logo is either white or black.

Pages:  The whole concept of the tabs or the blog archive is somewhat confusing to figure out.  I am still trying to figure out how to adjust it to a very useful way for future blogging.  I felt that have the tabs/pages would be better for easier access to the more important information.  I am going to still play around with it to make the blog better for future blogging this semester.

About Me:  The about me section is probably not the best.  As I said before I am a very indecisive and have a hard time talking about myself.  One of my least favorite things to do is to talk about or describe myself.  If I come up with anything better I will add to it later.


  1. I like the background a lot, it reminds me of March Madness. Also, I agree with you that the blog features are kind of confusing to use. Great post!

  2. I really like your title "English15S...Just Blog It" because I am a huge Nike fan and it is my favorite brand of sneaker too. Also, I think your background is really cool because March Madness is the best sporting event every year!
