
Friday, September 28, 2012

Its All About The Experience

  The trip to the Arboretum was in fact my first time there.  I am sure that many of us experienced the atmosphere of the Arboretum for the first time.  I would not consider myself a nature lover therefore on Monday I did not even remember that we were going there instead of Willard for class.  I guess that must say something about my passion for plant life.  Besides the unnecessary walk from Willard to the Arboretum, I must say I enjoyed my trip.  I must say no matter what if you are not the type of person that enjoys plants or nature in general it creates a soothing and satisfying aroma that you just can not help but enjoy.  It takes you to a whole other dimension.  I feel that many people would walk around and focus on the diversity of plants and take pictures, but that is not how I am in those types of situations.  I am one of those people that just like to walk around, enjoy the atmosphere and take it all in.  I really enjoyed my time walking around seeing the awesome job that was done to create the Arboretum itself with the infrastructure and what was planted within it.  Since I am not the type of person that would consider themselves having a green thumb i focused more on the physical things.  The building or structure where we first gathered was probably the thing that I enjoyed looking at the most.  I was fascinated by the way it looked and was definitely appropriate for what was surrounding it.  Although the weather was not especially great that day I could definitely say I would want to sit there and relax for a while on a beautiful day.   Watching the wind flow through the tunnel and the white shades created a sensation of being at peace.  I also thought the pond was interesting with all of the large lily pads floating around.  I really hoped that a frog would have popped out of the water and hopped around but I was sadly disappointed.  Besides all of the man made creations the plant life was the main attraction.  I enjoyed walking around and seeing the diversity of plants that were so carefully placed around the Arboretum.  Even the grass in the center looked to delicate to place your foot on.  It was interesting to read some of the labels and see the word tropical on.  I am not a plant expert so I would assume that many of them grow in the tropical regions down south.  I am curious as to how the students and faculty keep up with them in this type of climate.  Being located in State College, Pennsylvania where the weather is colder and there is obviously more snowfall, I wonder how they are maintained and still grow.  All in all I must say that I definitely enjoyed my experience at the Arboretum.  I enjoyed walking around and looking at the different styles of plants and the colors of the flowers.  Even the overhang with the gourds hanging down was fascinating.  I don't think I will go back anytime soon if the weather stays like this, but it did feel like I was free in a giant greenhouse.  It was an experience that was memorable and I probably will have to go back if they expand upon it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

David with the Head of Goliath

Artist: Girolamo Forabosco
Title: David with the Head of Goliath
Year: 1670
Materials: Oil colors on canvas

The painting that Girolamo Forabosco created is called, David with the Head of Goliath, which does in fact include a rhetorical situation.  For those of you who do not know the story behind David and Goliath, it is a bible story within the Old Testament.  This story is associated with the Christian religion and the war that was being created between Palestine and Isreal.  The issue that could be created with this story is that how could a small Israeli boy named David battle against Goliath.  Many people fear the size of their competitor or challenger, but that is not the case in this story.  Before knowing the result of the battle one would assume that Goliath certainly would have the upper hand, but with the power of God on his side, David knew he would be able to stand up to Goliath.  David then reached for his slingshot and with the power of God on his side pierced Goliath’s head with a stone and he dropped dead.  I do in fact feel that this paint does in create a conversation with that moment because of the event itself that was painted.  I feel that the painting strikes up the conversation of how a small boy such as David could take down such a large man.
This painting does in fact appeal to my emotions or pathos.  As a child growing up I was raised by the Christian religion so I did already have some knowledge about the bible verse, David and Goliath.  I understand the meaning behind it about how God gave David the strength and courage to stand up to Goliath and win the battle, but when I was looking at the painting in the museum and thinking about it when I left it made me think a little.  When I was younger my aunt gave me a plaque that said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”.  This saying came from Phil. 4:13.  It is a saying that my mom always would tell me to remember when I am in a difficult situation.  Now I know this from a different section of the bible, but I felt that it pertains to me as well as the story of David and Goliath.  David was giving the strength within himself to defeat Goliath.
Forabosco was born in Padua, Italy in the year 1604.  He lived until January 23, 1679.   He was known for painting portraitures throughout his lifetime.  His style of painting was through oil colors.  Although he has painted many religious paintings they were not his main point of interest.  He liked to really portray different personalities for his paintings.  His point of creating this painting was to show the beauty or irony with David holding up the head of Goliath.  He focused more on the personality of a picture with the way he painted the facial and body features.  That is why in this one he tried to show innocence and beauty with David while still holding the decapitated head of Goliath.
I feel that the artist as well as the painting is trying to show that there may be more meaning than just a victory.  If I were to guess how and artist would create or depict that moment I would have assumed it would have given off a more violent vibe.  This one does not do so.  Victory or triumph does not have to bring out the worst in others.  It almost represents sportsmanship in a way.
            I would have to say that my overall experience in the museum was successful.  Although I do not see myself as someone who can easily depict a piece of art, I can say that talking to everyone in the class and taking a closer and deeper look, I did have somewhat of a better understanding.  I would not consider myself as someone who would go to a museum often because art does not hold my attention very well.  Now maybe that I am older and have not been to a museum in a long time I might have a better appreciation for it.  I am not sure if I would go back by myself anytime soon, but  I will say that some of the sculptures or paintings did catch my attention and that doing this assignment made me think a little bit more about how art affects everyone differently.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My Blog Analysis

Template:  As i was looking through the possible templates to choose from I honestly was not sure which one to pick.  I am a very indecisive person so being able to make choices or decisions do not always come easy to me.  At first I wanted to do some in relation to Penn State, but then I felt like that would be a common area of interest and the blog is suppose to show how unique you are as a person.  I then decided to just stick with the basketball background because it related to my passion for sports and also included the bracket which made me think about the March Madness Tournament.  I then just could not resist choosing it because of how it represented me as a person and how it seemed easy to navigate after looking through the classes course blog multiple times.

Title:  At first I wanted to do WE ARE....English 15S, but good thing I didn't because other classmates had the same idea and who wouldn't.  Looking at my title many of you would probably get it.  Since my background related to sports I wanted my title to follow up on the same theme.  My title, English 15S.....Just Blog It., is supposed to represent the catch phrase, Nike.....Just Do It.  This title continues my theme for sports along with my favorite brand of sneaker.

Font:  Deciding on a font style was not to difficult to choose because i wanted it to be plain and easy to read on the blog page itself.  Also, I have always used the font style, Times New Roman, throughout school, but I felt that Ariel was more bold and easier to read.

Color:  The color of my blog was easy to pick because the picture template automatically does that for you.  I like how the back ground is black making the orange basketball and yellow tournament bracket stand out.  Also, I decided to keep my title white because I felt it would standout best with the black background and i felt that usually the Just Do It. logo is either white or black.

Pages:  The whole concept of the tabs or the blog archive is somewhat confusing to figure out.  I am still trying to figure out how to adjust it to a very useful way for future blogging.  I felt that have the tabs/pages would be better for easier access to the more important information.  I am going to still play around with it to make the blog better for future blogging this semester.

About Me:  The about me section is probably not the best.  As I said before I am a very indecisive and have a hard time talking about myself.  One of my least favorite things to do is to talk about or describe myself.  If I come up with anything better I will add to it later.