
Friday, October 12, 2012

Frat House Gone Wild

My name is Stephen Edwards and I am damn glad to meet you.  This was quote used by Eric Stratton or formally known as Tim Matheson when he was introducing himself to all of the people including the new pledges at the Delta frat house at the beginning of the movie.  It was a line that stayed with me throughout the entire movie because it is all about the first impression when you meet someone for the first time and it was a humorous, sarcastic line that is not as formal as a natural greeting.  This greeting held true to the way that the frat members of Delta presented themselves throughout the entire movie, which helped maintain the comical humor of the movie "Animal House".

I was intrigued to watch this movie because it was one that my own mother recommended for me to watch when I had told her about the film festival that my class was suppose to attend on parents weekend.  I was not very familiar with many of the films that were being shown so I felt this would be the perfect choice for me and in fact it was.

This movie had many things to offer about what some of the aspects of college life is about, although this movie went to the extreme.  This film somewhat strayed away from the academic aspects with the Delta students all having atrocious grade point averages, but helped create an image that may or may not enthuse incoming students to get more excited about the freedom they will be receiving and of course boundaries that go along with them.

The main aspects of why this film was such a good selection for the film festival was mainly because it allowed us to picture ourselves within the movie.  We as the viewers who that weekend was mainly college students could relate to the actual college students within the movie.  I myself would try to put myself into those certain scenarios that would occur and decide if I would be as daring as those students were and I for one would definitely not have that type of courage.  Also, this movie touched on many ideas of what frat life is about.  Whether it was the process of pledging or the activities that were done by the frat brothers themselves.  It also had the homecoming parade like so many other university's have including Penn State.

The movie is not a good selection for a younger age group especially for children or young teenagers.  For one they may or may not understand what they are watching, but being rated R gives you the instant no no.  This movie is obviously targeted for an older age group because of the sexual content, foul use of language, and the use of drugs of alcohol.

I would consider this to be one of the best movies about college that I have ever seen.  I would recommend it for any college student or any college alumni that is looking for some humor to watch "Animal House" because it allows us to either look upon on our college experience or send you a blast from the past about what your college experience was like.  All in all I was very pleased with "Animal House" and I definitely not mind watching it again in the near future.